Guido and Elizabeth Binda dedicated their professional lives to supporting education. Guido Binda was an architect and designed and built schools throughout Michigan. Elizabeth Binda was an educator and education consultant. Both Guido and Elizabeth were lifelong learners and believed access to quality educational opportunities is essential to ensure a good quality of life. Education is the Binda Foundation’s greatest area of interest.
Areas of Impact in Education Include:
- Literacy through the lifespan
- Kindergarten readiness
- Quality schools & learning experiences
- High school graduation or High School Equivalence
- Post-secondary career-readiness aligned with industry-specific credentials

Previous Education Grants
Burma CenterTHRIVE Youth Center
Burma CenterTHRIVE Youth Center
Burma CenterTHRIVE Youth Center
Burma CenterTHRIVE Youth Center
Starr CommonwealthStarr Student Resiliency Center
Calhoun Intermediate School DistrictMini-Grant Program
INNOVATE AlbionSTEM Curriculum Developement
Haven of RestGain Access Program
RISE Corp - After School SupportFreedom Schools
Washington Heights United Methodist ChurchSummer Youth Employment Program
New Harvest Christian CenterAccelerated Learning Program
VocesYouth Council
Community UnlimitedEarly Childhood Connections
Southwest Michigan Urban LeagueEmerging Leaders
Kellogg Community CollegeScholarships
Battle Creek Coalition for Truth, Racial Healing, and TransformationBattle Creek Did Not Burn - Oral History and Healing Project